
Aston Cable's RG11 Coaxial Cable: Boleng le Bokhabane ka har'a Pakete e le 'ngoe

  • Bonyane Bongata ba Odara:: 30KM
  • Theko:: Buisana
  • Lintlha tsa Sephutheloana: Sephutheloana se tloaelehileng sa kantle ho naha
  • Matla a Phepelo :: 25000KM/Ka selemo
  • Delivery Port:: Ningbo

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Bona matla a phetiso ea data e sebetsang hantle ka RG11 Coaxial Cable ea Aston Cable. Sehlahisoa sa rona se hlahella indastering ea fektheri ea Cable ea RG11, e etselitsoeng ka makhethe ho koahela sebaka se pharaletseng ha se bapisoa le balekane ba eona ba kang RG6 le RG59. Mohala oa RG11 ke thapo e tsoetseng pele ea tataiso ea seea-le-moea e koahetsoeng ka tšireletso ho matlafatsa ho tšoarella ha eona le ho phela nako e telele. Ha re etse feela likhoele; re etsa litharollo. RG11 Coaxial Cable eo re fanang ka eona ho Aston Cable e netefatsa ho fokotseha ha lets'oao, ho boloka bonnete ba lets'oao. Joalo ka morekisi ea hlomphuoang oa RG11 Coaxial Cable, re utloisisa bohlokoa ba matla a mats'oao a nako e telele mme re lokisitse sehlahisoa sa rona ka nepo. Sena se etsa hore Cable ea rona ea RG11 e be khetho e nepahetseng bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa kantle kapa lits'ebetso tse ling tse sa tloaelehang. Karolo e 'ngoe ea bohlokoa ea thapo ea rona ea RG11 ke botenya ba eona, e nang le khondara ea 14AWG. Tšobotsi ena ha e kenye letsoho feela mohahong oa eona o tiileng empa hape e ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea eona. Ka cable ea Aston, u fumana sehlahisoa se lumellanang ka ho phethahetseng le litlhoko tsa hau tse khethehileng, ebang ke bakeng sa tšebeliso ea cable ea tataiso ea seea-le-moea kapa phetiso ea data.Phapang ea Aston Cable e bonahala lihlahisoa tsa rona. Tšebeliso ea likoti tsa PVC, LSZH, le PE li netefatsa hore likhoele tsa rona li tšoarella ebile li itokiselitse ho mamella maemo a thata. Re boetse re lumela ho ikhethang 'me re fana ka khetho ea mebala, hammoho le tokisetso ea ho kenyelletsa logo ea k'hamphani ea hau. Cable ea rona ea RG11 Coaxial Cable e fetile liteko tse matla tsa boleng, e finyella litekanyetso tsa indasteri le ho feta tebello ea bareki. Re netefatsa bophara holim'a mamello ea baki ea ± 0.008 in le tšobotsi ea mamello ea ± 3 ohm, har'a lintlha tse ling tsa tekheniki. Se ke oa sheba hole bakeng sa rg11, rg11 cable, rg11 coaxial cable, le rg11 coaxial litlhoko. Khetha Cable ea Aston, morekisi ea ka sehloohong oa RG11 le moetsi ea utloisisang le ho baballa boleng. Re lumelle ho matlafatsa likhokahano tsa hau.

· Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Sebaka sa Tšimoloho: China
Lebitso la Brand: ASTON kapa OEM
Setifikeiti: SGS CE ROHS ISO9001
Sephetho sa Letsatsi le Letsatsi la Coaxial Cable: 200KM


· Tefo & Shipping

Re hlahisa RG11 Coaxial Cable ea Aston Cable - sehlahisoa se hlahisang boleng le ts'ebetso. Mohala ona oa RG11 oa coaxial o entsoe le ho hahoa ka lera le sireletsang le pota-potileng le tiisang hore le phela nako e telele. Empa ha e le hantle RG11 coaxial cable ke eng, hona ke hobane'ng ha e lokela ho ba khetho ea hau e ka sehloohong bakeng sa lithapo tsa tataiso tsa seea-le-moea? phuthela e tshireletsang. Tšobotsi ena e ikhethang e tiisa boemo bo phahameng ba tšireletso khahlanong le lintlha tse ka ntle 'me e tiisa hore cable e lula e sebetsa haholo ebile e sebetsa ka nako e telele. E etselitsoe ts'ebetso e nepahetseng, thapo ea coaxial ea RG11 e entsoe ka hloko ho fana ka phetiso ea mats'oao a holimo ha e ntse e fokotsa tšitiso e ka bang teng. Sena se etsa hore thapo ea rona ea RG11 e be khetho e nepahetseng bakeng sa libaka tse fapaneng tsa ts'ebeliso, ho kenyeletsoa empa e sa felle feela ho li-antenna tsa TV, marang-rang a marang-rang, le lits'ebetso tsa ho lebela livideo.Ho feta moo, thapo ea rona ea RG11 coaxial ha e bue feela ka ts'ebetso; e boetse e ithorisa ka ho tšoarella ho phahameng. Lera le sireletsang le pota-potiloeng ke mohala ha le sireletse feela tšenyo e ka 'nang ea e-ba teng, empa hape le tiisa hore thapo e phela nako e telele. Kahoo, ka thapo ea coaxial ea Aston Cable's RG11, u tla be u natefeloa ke khokahano e tšepahalang le ea boemo bo holimo bakeng sa lilemo tse tlang.

·Tlhaloso e Khutšoane

Mohala oa RG11 ke thapo ea tataiso ea seea-le-moea ea coaxial e nang le tšireletso e pota-potileng. RG11 ke mofuta o motenya o koahelang sebaka se seholoanyane. RG11 Cable ke thapo e tenya ho feta RG6 RG59 Cable, conductor ea RG11 ke 14AWG. Ka lebaka la botenya ba eona, ho feto-fetoha ha lets'oao hoa fokotseha, 'me bonnete ba lets'oao boa bolokeha. Matla a mats'oao a nako e telele a ratoa ke RG11, eo hangata e sebelisetsoang lits'ebetso tsa kantle kapa tse sa tloaelehang.

- MOQ: 30KM



Lebitso la Sehlahisoa:

RG11 Coaxial cable




White Black kapa Customized


1.63 limilimithara 14AWG


Mohala oa tataiso ea seea-le-moea



Tšebeliso ea indasteri:

Cable ea phetiso ea data


Hangzhou Zhejiang


· Lintlha tse potlakileng

Bolelele ba Cable 304.8 m | 1000 ft

Diameter Over Center Conductor, e khethehileng 0.0641 ka 1 strand

Diameter Over Dielectric 7.112 mm | 0.28 ho

Diameter Over Jacket Tolerance ± 0.008 in

Diameter Over Jacket, ka lebitso la 9.169 mm | 0.361 ho

Diameter Over Shield (Braid) 8.179 mm | 0.322 ho

Botenya ba Jacket 0.508 mm | 0.02 ho

Botenya ba Jacket, sebaka se fokolang sa 0.406 mm | 0.016 ho

Center Conductor Gauge 14 AWG

Inner Shield (Braid) Gauge 34 AWG


52.493 pF/m | 16 pF/ft

Impedance ea Sebopeho

75 ohm

Tšobotsi Impedans Mamello

±3 ohm

Conductor dc Resistance

36.089 ohms/km | 11 ohms/kft

Matla a Dielectric, conductor to thebe

4000 Vdc

Jacket Spark Test Voltage

5000 Vac

Nominal Velocity of Propagation (NVP)


Tahlehelo ea ho Khutlisa Sebopeho

15 dB @ 1000–3000 MHz | 20 dB @ 5–1000 MHz

Mokhoa oa Teko oa Tahlehelo ea ho Khutlisa Sebopeho

E Lekoa ka 100%





RG11 ke terata ea 14-gauge, tekanyo e phahameng ho feta likhoele tse ling tsa video, e fanang ka sebaka se eketsehileng sa ho fetisa lets'oao. Cable ea RG11 e fana ka maqhubu a 3Ghz bakeng sa CATV, HDTV, antenna ea TV, le kabo ea livideo


·Pontšo ea Sehlahisoa

Ho khetha thapo ea coaxial ea Aston Cable ea RG11 ho bolela ho khetha khotso ea kelello. U ka tšepa sehlahisoa sa rona ho fana ka ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng ea boleng bo phahameng, ka hona ho fana ka phihlelo e se nang mathata eo ho leng thata ho e fumana ka likhoele tse ling 'marakeng. Re ema ka boleng le ho tšoarella ha thapo ea rona ea RG11 coaxial, 'me re kholisehile hore e tla feta seo u se lebeletseng.Ho Aston Cable, re lumela matleng a mekhoa e mecha,' me cable ea rona ea RG11 coaxial ke phello ea tumelo eo. Re ikemiselitse ho fa bareki ba rona lihlahisoa tse matla le tse sebetsang hantle feela empa hape tse kenyelletsang tsoelo-pele ea morao-rao ea theknoloji ea cable. Leka thapo ea rona ea RG11 coaxial kajeno 'me u bone phapang e makatsang boleng ba likhokahano tsa hau.

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:
  • Tlohela Molaetsa wa Hao